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Alora's Love Potion; Short Story Collection Page 2
Alora's Love Potion; Short Story Collection Read online
Page 2
“Hi.” Adam nodded and stepped aside to let them by. Cassandra followed suit.
“Nice day for a hike.” The young woman smiled, her beam directed at Adam.
Cassandra’s chest constricted, and she fisted her hands. I have no right to be jealous.
Adam nodded, a pleasant, benign smile on his face, but he didn’t react to her flirtation.
After the women passed, Adam continued along the trail. Cassandra looked behind her. The girl winked and gave a thumbs-up. A tingling sensation crept over Cassandra’s shoulders. The young woman must’ve assumed they were a couple. Cassandra pursed her lips and ran after him to catch up.
They reached the crest of the hill where the trail emptied into Pittock Mansion’s parking lot. The impressive, old house with its tall windows and curved staircases was on the National Register of Historic Places. All the spots in the lot were vacant, the sea of white lines portraying how busy the tourist attraction could get during the peak, summer months. January’s cold winds and normal rains kept the visitors away this time of year.
“Seems we have the place to ourselves. Wanna get a closer look?” The skin around his eyes wrinkled, and his eyes gleamed with mischief.
She stiffened. If the place was closed to the public, they shouldn’t wander the grounds, but a part of her longed to do just that.
His brow furrowed. “What’s wrong?”
She swallowed. Take a chance, Cass. “Ok. Let’s go.”
“I’m glad to see you have a sense of adventure.” He gripped her hand. “C’mon.”
His touch sent a thrill over her skin, but she didn’t get time to process the sensation. He pulled her along and it was all she could do to keep up with him. He stopped at the gift store, which was housed in a separate building from the main structure. The lights were out, and a large, printed “closed” sign hung from the window. A handwritten note said, “Closed for renovation, stop by again in February.”
“Well, that explains the empty parking lot. Time to explore.” His words held a hint of excitement.
He still held on to her hand, and his closeness sent off all kinds of warning bells in her mind. Her heart rate tittered along with her nerves, and her body warmed under the coat. She tensed her shoulders.
Adam glanced at their joined hands. As if her fingers were a hot potato, he released her. “I’m sorry, Cass. I didn’t mean to…ah, hell.” He shoved his fist in his coat pocket. “Want to walk to the lookout?”
The cold air hit her exposed skin, and the lack of contact with him made her chest constrict. “S…S…Sure, the city looks nice from up here.”
Ugh. Did she really stutter like that? Her mind was a scrambled mess. She headed toward the grand house and the yard beyond. Anything to put distance between them.
In her mind, the trek to the city overlook seemed to take forever. Adam walked behind her. The crunch of his hiking boots over the gravel pathway was the only indication he still followed. She placed her hands on the metal railing. The cold surface was a welcome relief to her overheated skin. Her stomach hardened as her frustration built. She turned to face him and blurted the words before she lost her nerve.
“Why haven’t you dated anyone since Rachel?” Her heart pounding, she couldn’t believe she’d said the words.
He blinked, and his gaze narrowed on her. “I can’t talk about it…not with you.”
Her cheeks heated as if he’d slapped her. She dropped her gaze.
When he didn’t say anything further, she glanced at him.
A visible tic pulsed from his jaw. He leaned against the railing, his intense focus over the skyscrapers in the city. She doubted whether he noticed the beautiful sight. Stirred by the slight breeze, the ends of his hair caressed his chin, accentuating both his strength and his vulnerability. He seemed like a powerful, wounded animal. In that moment, she’d never wanted him more.
Rachel didn’t deserve you. Cassandra wanted to say the words, but she couldn’t, her mouth was as tight as her chest.
She leaned against the metal fence. Her water bottle crinkled, the sound loud in the still air. As she touched the plastic bottle in her pocket, her fingers grazed against something hard and smooth. The vial. She set her water on the ground and pulled the strange object from her coat.
The small flask glittered in the filtered sunlight streaming through the thin clouds. The color fluctuated—black, blue, black. The mesmerizing vial held her attention.
“What’s that?” Adam’s deep voice resonated between them.
She glanced at him. His gaze took in her features, and then tracked to the bottle in her hand.
“I don’t know. I found this on the trail and put it in my pocket. I forgot about the bottle until now.”
His brow furrowed. “What could make colors shift like that?”
“Beats me.” She traced her finger over the glass-like stone. “It’s so smooth. I wonder what’s inside.”
“Open the lid and find out.”
A breath caught in her throat. Something inside screamed ‘don’t do it,’ yet another part, the side of her that longed to take chances, urged her on. Adam’s green eyes gleamed with interest. His curiosity encouraged her like nothing else could.
With her heart hammering in her chest, she gripped the top of the vial and pulled.
A s though sealed for centuries, the vial screamed in protest as the lid gave way. The cap lifted on its own, seemingly on an invisible hinge. A delicious scent, like sweet berries, wafted along on the breeze. With the tip of her finger, Cassandra touched the bottle’s lip. A smooth liquid coated her skin. Bringing her finger to her nose, she breathed in the alluring aroma.
The essence made her head spin. Sensing Adam’s closeness, a strange craving raced through her veins, bringing out a side of her she didn’t know existed, one that wanted to claim him as her own. Her fingers tingled in anticipation. Trying to clear the unbidden thoughts, she shook her head.
Before she could think, Adam closed the distance between them, trapping her between his body and the fence. “Cass…” One hand gripped the railing, the tendons flexed taut. His other hand caressed a few stray strands of hair that had escaped her ponytail. His scent overwhelmed her and even through all their clothes, his muscular arms and chest sent a charge of excitement over her skin.
She shivered, but not from the cold. “Adam, wh…what are you doing?”
“Casssss…” The way he drew out her name sent a thrill through her chest.
The vial was still in her fist, a small barrier between them. The lid descended and closed with a soft click. Her heart pounded. What was happening? He’d never made a move on her before. A mixture of confusion and excitement raced along her nerves. With careful movements, she freed her arm and stuffed the bottle into her coat pocket.
He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer. To steady herself, she gripped his biceps, and his muscles tensed beneath the material of his jacket. With his free hand, he traced a finger down her cheek until he cupped her chin in his palm. His intense gaze roamed her face, pausing at her mouth. From part reflex and part desire, her tongue slipped between her lips, moistening them, encouraging him.
He bent forward, and she closed her eyes, anticipating his kiss. Instead of his mouth covering hers as she’d expected, his lips caressed the tender spot at the base of her ear. The sensitive nerves on her skin lit up at the contact and wetness formed between her legs, dampening her panties.
“No kisses, not yet.” His growled words vibrated along her nerves, tickling her spine.
She loved his assertiveness, but wasn’t sure of its source. Could it be a result of the vial? Was it a love potion? The take no chances part of her wanted to push him away. That was the safe, easy response. Another side of her wanted to lace her hands in his hair and demand that he kiss her. Caught in the middle, a soft mewl of frustration escaped her lips.
He laughed, sending another round of vibrations into her body. She craved more�
��more of what he offered and everything she’d always wanted.
Fueled by an unknown source of fearlessness, she traced her hands over his denim coat and into his hair. He lifted his head to look at her and growled, a purely masculine sound of pride.
His eyes gleamed with a desire she’d only ever dreamed about. He cupped her chin in his palm. With the edge of his thumb, he traced her bottom lip, pulling on her plump mouth. She couldn’t wait any longer.
“Kiss me,” she said.
He obliged before she’d fully processed what they were doing and why. The thought was lost for eternity the moment his mouth met hers in a bruising kiss. The current between them energized, fueled by their common need, their common desire. When he pulled away, his teeth held on to her bottom lip, dragging the jagged edges along her sensitive skin. Her lip swelling from the gentle abuse increased its sensitivity, and she shivered in response.
A smile formed on his lips. He pulled her tighter into his embrace and kissed her again. Her lip tingled at the contact and his possessiveness sent a thrill racing down her spine. He licked the tender flesh at the opening to her mouth, and she gasped. As she opened to him, their tongues danced together, one with the other. A tremble of sheer joy raced through her body.
When he finally released her from his kiss, he wiped a stray strand of hair from her brow. “You are nothing like Rachel—she was so thin, so little.”
She tensed. Still wrapped in his arms, she couldn’t move. “What did you say?”
He let her go and stepped away, wiping his hand over his face. A loud breath escaped his lips. “I’m sorry. That came out all wrong.”
He’d fantasized about Rachel—his ex-girlfriend. A lump formed in Cassandra’s gut, threatening to come up, like a bitter pill that wouldn’t stay down.
“To think I wasted so many years waiting for you.” She spat the words at him.
He visibly flinched. “No! You misunderstand—”
Not wanting to hear anymore, she turned her back on him and sprinted toward the old mansion. The giant house blurred as the tears streamed down her cheeks. He’d trampled her heart, just like she knew he would, even ridiculing her for her size. Her chest clenched as a new wave of pain descended, but she ran on.
She made it as far as the entryway before his footsteps sounded loud in her ears. His fingers grazed her jacket, but she eluded him and sprinted up the small flight of stairs. He followed close behind. She stopped, trapped between him and the closed entrance to the mansion. There was no place else to go. She turned to face him.
He raised his hands, as if trying not to scare a frightened animal. “Please, Cass, let me explain. Let me finish what I was going to say.”
“You said enough. I can’t help that I’m not a skinny, blonde bombshell.” There, she said the words she’d harbored in her heart for so long. A stray tear rolled down her cheek. She held up her chin, daring him to speak.
“And for that, I am forever grateful.” A sad smile curved at the corner of his mouth.
Her breath caught in her throat. “Say again?”
“Cass. I’ve secretly wanted you for a long time. That’s what drove Rachel away.”
Cassandra’s pulse beat loud in her ears as she studied him. A spark of sincerity emanated from his eyes. “You…want me? Big bones and all?”
His shoulders visibly relaxed, and he inhaled. “Oh, Cass, you have no idea.”
“I don’t understand. Why didn’t you approach me, until now?”
He took a step forward, then another, inching his way closer. “You always seemed out of reach…and, me? I’ve made plenty of mistakes.”
Cassandra’s chest tightened at the memory of his trip through Alcoholics Anonymous. That was two years ago, and he’d conquered all twelve steps. To this day, he avoided bars and ordered Ginger Ale at restaurants. The pain in his eyes spoke volumes about his sincerity.
He pursed his lips, and determination lined his brow. “I stayed with Rachel as an excuse not to pursue you. Cass, I wasn’t sure I’d measure up. I wanted to tell you for so long, but…” He clamped his mouth shut and a visible tic started in his jaw. “Today, somehow, the words seem to come easily. All I know is that I can’t hold back any longer.”
With each step he took, her heart pounded harder.
He held out his hand. “Cass, come to me.”
C ome to me. Adam’s words resonated within Cassandra. She stepped down one step, then another, meeting him in the middle of the small staircase. He’d said he’d wanted her. A sense of comfort and ease wormed its way into her soul. This is where she belonged…with him.
He ran his fingers along her hairline, and behind her ear. A tug on her ponytail, and her hair cascaded around her shoulders. He leaned closer, rolling a few strands between his fingers. “So silky. Softer than I imagined.” With a tenderness she’d never seen before, he brought her locks to his nose and inhaled. “Cass, you smell so…good.”
She melted under his scrutiny, her insides shivering with anticipation. As she trailed a finger over his eyebrows and down his cheek, she came to rest at his full mouth. A low moan escaped his lips. Wrapping his hand around her waist, he pulled her close. His masculine scent invaded her senses, and she cried out with need.
He gripped her hand in his palm and kissed her fingertips. His green eyes penetrated into her soul. “What do you want, Cass?”
You. She parted her lips to tell him as much, but noticed a shadow on the pathway behind him. She tensed in his arms.
He furrowed his brow. “What’s wr—”
She placed her finger over his lip. Shh. “We’re not alone.”
A wicked smile formed on his lips. When he spoke, his words were but a whisper. “Afraid of getting caught? Cass, that’s part of the thrill.”
His grip tightened around her waist, and he lifted her off her feet.
A soft squeal escaped her lips.
He moved up the few steps to the door, pressing them into the shadows.
His warm breath on her throat chased away the chill from the cool air. Her heart pounded in tune with her ragged pants. Wedged between the door and his body, she couldn’t remember feeling so trapped and loving it so much.
He was right. The thrill of discovery heightened the excitement. She tugged on the top button of his coat, eager to reach the man inside. As impatient as her, he released her long enough to shed himself of his denim jacket. His dark T-shirt didn’t last long, ending up on the steps next to the coat.
She ran her fingers over his chest, enjoying the softness of his skin over firm muscles. His masculinity was an enticement she couldn’t ignore. He glanced at her chest. With gentle hands, he spread apart the coat and rested his palm on her waist.
A shoe scraped nearby.
They both stilled.
A strange, astringent smell, like rubbing alcohol filled the air.
“Nice show, don’t stop on my account.” A low male voice echoed in the entryway.
A chill ran down Cassandra’s back.
Adam turned to face the man, and she got a glimpse at their intruder. He was tall and muscular in his ragged jeans and long-sleeved shirt. He wore a baseball cap, the brim hanging over the back of his neck. A pair of dark glasses covered his eyes, and his pale skin seemed a bit too pasty, even in Oregon in the winter.
Adam stood tall, his shoulders pressed back. He blocked her with his body and raised his chin. “Not here for a show. Do you mind?”
The intruder chuckled, the sound eerie, like a nightmare set loose during the day.
Cassandra swallowed the fear that crawled up her throat.
Another man came into view. He wore comparable garb to the intruder, with a cap and glasses, and had similar, pale skin. The new guy glanced at her and Adam, then returned his attention to his comrade. “You want him, my lord?”
The intruder held his hand over his mouth as he spoke. “Naw, not with the girl. She wouldn’t survive the change, and I’d hate to silence her…tha
t’s just not sporting. We’ll find some others.” He returned his intense, roaming gaze to Adam. “Pity, you would’ve made a fine addition to the team.”
Adam’s arms visibly shook, and he opened his mouth like he would speak, but the intruder and his cohort departed as quickly as they arrived. The only evidence of their existence was the odd astringent smell and the cold breeze they left in their path.
“That…was odd.” Adam’s strained voice echoed in the small entryway.
“Scary is the word I’d use. What do you think that was all about?” Her gaze tracked down the path after the two men.
“Strange things happen in Portland, don’t you know?” A nervous chuckle rumbled from his chest. Still pressed close to him, his smooth skin and fresh scent reminded her of his kiss before the interruption. Her fingers tingled at the memory.
She tugged at his arm, pulling his attention back to her. “Adam—”
He placed one hand behind her head, while the other encircled her waist. Capturing her lips with his own, the fire ignited between them once again. She ran her hands through his hair, pulling him closer. Her nails dug into his scalp, and he moaned. The vibration sent a rush of warmth between her thighs. When he pulled back, their combined breaths echoed in the small space.
“I was such a fool. Not anymore. We have a lot of catching up to do, my Cass.” He focused on her eyes. “That is, if you’ll have me.”
She ran her finger over his shoulder, tracing her nail gently down his arm. He shivered and his reaction emboldened her. This was her chance to take matters into her own hands, and a sense of relief washed over her. “Never in my wildest dreams did I think you would ask me this. Of course, I’ll have you.”
The playful grin on his face made her melt all over again.
“Well, maybe we should go before those strange guys come back.” He scooped up his shirt and jacket, grasped her hand and led her down the stairs.
Something hard dug into her ribs, and she pressed her palm against her coat pocket. The firm bulge reminded her of the special vial she’d found. She didn’t know what was in the bottle or where it came from, but by Adam’s reaction, the liquid inside was a powerful aphrodisiac. She thanked her lucky stars and knew just who to give it to. Watch out, Jo, I’ve got a surprise for you.